Visions of the fathers : Pirkei Avos (Hebrew Edition)

Judaic Study  [ Browse Items ]
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Ethics of the Fathers/Pirkei Avos and Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski M.D. go together naturally. The book is the Talmud's repository of advice and guidance. Its lessons have been the foundation of Jewish character and personality, of morality and ethics. It is the road map toward happiness, fulfillment, and personal growth. Rabbi Dr. Twerski is unique. An original. He has helped over 40,000 people in his long and colorful career. As chassidic scholar he offers the spirituality and rich lode of stories that elevate, enlighten, and entertain. As a psychiatrist and nationally renowned expert in substance abuse, he offers uncanny insights into the inner needs of people. And he has the rare knack of presenting his ideas and comments in a clear, lucid, witty manner that is a delight to read. In this wonderful book, Rabbi Dr. Twerski focuses on what the Sages say to us in our daily lives. In his hands, the lofty ideas of the Sages are brought down to earth without watering down their essential nature. We turn the pages, stop and think, and realize that Ethics of the Fathers is as relevant today as it was when it was first written. He illustrates his thoughts beautifully with anecdotes from his own experience and from the rich archives of chassidic lore. The stories add zest and pleasure to the book and make it a pleasure to read. Enjoyable reading, provocative ideas, enticing stories, sound insights, acute observations; it's all here in the inimitable Twerski manner. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D., is a descendant of the founders of the Chassidic movement, whose philosophy he embraces and applies in his psychiatric practice. An ordained Rabbi, Dr. Twerski is Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Pitttsburgh School of Medicine and founder and Medical Director of Gateway Rehabilitation Center, Pittsburgh, Pa. - from Amzon 
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